Staff and volunteers are available online and in person to answer questions regarding venue rentals, special events and involvement opportunities. The best way to reach us is via email (see below). Otherwise, you may leave a voice message.
Rentals: rentals@foxislandchapel.net
Phone (253) 234-7670
General inquiries: info@foxislandchapel.net
Phone (253) 234-4001
400 6th Avenue
Fox Island WA 98333
Office hours: By appointment
Use the contact form below to make arrangements for a tour or meeting or email us at rentals@foxislandchapel.net.
Contact Us
Please fill out the form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Driving Directions:
From Interstate 5 in Tacoma, Washington, take the Bremerton exit westbound on State Highway 16. Cross the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and continue to the 2nd Gig Harbor exit at Olympic Drive (Fox Island). Go left at the light and follow the signs to Fox Island. Cross the Fox Island Bridge and continue approximately 1.5 miles to Fox Drive. Turn left, proceed one block to 6th Avenue. Turn left, bear right at the fork, and proceed to the end of the road.
Fox Island, WA 98333